Student Progress
Homework Policy
- Homework is used as a way for me to check that students are understanding the content taught that day.
- Students evaluate their own homework based on the following criteria:
All problems have been attempted
Homework is neat and organized
Students have shown all their work
- Homework is considered late if not complete or left at home. (I will encourage students to practice organizational skills to make sure their homework is placed in their backpack upon completion. Parents can help with that too!) Late work is still due. Please note the following allowances:
- I realize that life can get very busy - so each student will begin each trimester with a Homework Pass to be used when needed. Additionally, Homework Passes are occasionally awarded in class for positive behavior.
- If a homework assignment is taking longer than normal or something urgent has come up - please send a parent note or email explaining the situation and an extra day to complete the assignment will be allowed.
Students are expected to "master" each concept assessed. Students are expected to make formal and informal corrections on their assessments as follows:
Score 80% and above
- Students are expected to learn from their mistakes either by retrying the problem to discover their error or seek peer/teacher assistance for understanding.
Score below 80%
- You must see me for reteaching! Make quality corrections on a separate sheet of paper and staple it to the front of your test.
- Additional work may be assigned as needed.
Scores will be updated on the web weekly.