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Class Supply List

Suggested 2nd grade supply list

Suggested 2nd grade supply list

cartoon bulldog
Here are some items that I will be having the kids use throughout the year.  Dry erase markers are usually used up the fastest; so check with your child from time to time.
2 Large erasers
12-24 colored pencils
8-10 skinny colored markers
1 box of 24 crayons
4 fine point dry erase markers
4 large glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
Heavy Duty one inch binder
1 one subject notebook
earbuds or headphones for Chromebooks
These are the items that I keep in the cupboard and pull out as needed
Colored Cardstock
White copy paper 
Disinfectant wipes
Kleenex or Puffs brand tissues
#2 pencils
EXPO brand black fine point dry erase markers

cartoon school bus filled with school supplies