Mrs. Powers
Welcome to Mrs. Powers' 2nd grade class webpage!
Welcome to Mrs. Powers' 2nd grade class webpage!
Welcome back to Rocklin Elementary School! This will be a very exciting year as Mrs. Janis, Mrs. Vaillancourt have been getting together to plan many fun things to do together!
Our first units of study will be Economics and maps. We will also be focusing on writing in the narrative form. In math, we will be working with number in addition and subtraction. Language arts will be a bit of a mish mash since I will be piloting two different programs as well as ensuring that I'm hitting all of the grade level standards by the end of the year.
I will use email to send you information. There will be paper announcements from time to time; but email is the best way to save a tree, right?
Dates to remember...
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT Thursday, August 25th 6:00-6:45 in room 9.
Substitute Teacher here Wednesday, August 31st (all day)
NO SCHOOL Monday, September 5th (Labor Day)
PM VAPA Tuesday, September 6th
Substitute Teacher here Tuesday, September 13th and Wednesday September 14th (in the AM)
JOG-A-THON Friday, September 23rd
Contact Information
Contact Information
Room number 9
Phone number 916-624-3311
Preferred contact by email
RLI Home Connect Information
RLI Home Connect Information
Your child uses a software program called Renaissance Place at school. This program has a special feature called Renaissance Home Connect, which they and you can access outside of school from any computer with an Internet connection. Renaissance Home Connect is fun and easy to use. It allows the teacher, you and your child to share information about their progress in Accelerated Reader, Accelerated Math, and MathFacts in a Flash.
You can log in to Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection and compatible browser. For a list of compatible browsers, type the following URL in any browser:
Your child should know their user name and password--ask them.
To log in to Renaissance Home Connect
Website: If you'd like to receive emails showing your student's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link in Renaissance Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox,add to your address book.
Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Book Orders
If you would like to place your child's book order online, click here NOT on the cute picture. and it will take you directly to our class order site. Once the due date approaches, I enter in any hand delivered orders and voila; within 10 working days after I place the order, it arrives in our classroom and your child's hands. It's so easy. If you are ever purchasing books as gifts, let me know and I will hide them in a bag so they cannot see or make arrangements to get them to you. These books are priced from $1 to $25 (sets). So, check it out. I typically place multiple catalogs on my site; but only send home 1-2.