Ms. Chesbro
Student/Parent Information
Student/Parent Information
Welcome back 5th and 6th graders! I am excited for the 2015-2016 school year. Mrs. Johnson and I have a great year planned!
Dear 5th/6th Students and Parents:
As the new year begins, I want to share some exciting highlights for this year. Our schedules look very much like last year, but we will now have a cart of Chromebooks in our classrooms at least 1.5 days per week. So instead of trying to cover every student with 6 will be getting more computer time in class. BYOD (bring your own electronic device) applies for both classes and is actually encouraged. There are rules that will apply to all computer use. We will discuss in class. Before you can use any device, a computer contract will have to be signed.
Fifth grade students, I will be teaching you Language Arts (AR, Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Writing) and Social Studies. I will be seeing you 90 minutes per day, from 10:40-12:30. You will need to come to class prepared, with binder, supplies, homework (if it's due that day), and a reading book (always!!!).
I have changed a few things. SAT Spelling has changed. No more spelling tests until later in the year. I hear sighs of relief. Instead, we will be doing intensive word study using a program called Wordlywise. It is a comprehensive program that covers much more in depth word study than my spelling program ever could. AR will still be part of my program, but I am also pushing the love of reading rather than the striving for AR points. There will be AR points assigned, but the program will be structured differently. You will get credit for the books that you read that have no AR test.
We will still do Daily Language Instruction and have tests on Friday. You will still be required to fill out a planner EVERY DAY.
As the year progresses, more work and tests will be done online. I will keep you posted on that. You will be working collaboratively and alone on Google Docs, and turning in some assignments electronically(instead of on paper).
Gloria Chesbro-5th/6th GATE teacher
Room 26
624-3311 ext. 246
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