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History/ Social Science Curriculum

History/ Social Science Curriculum

Includes curricula overviews, online access, parent information meetings and FAQ's.


Click on the link below to view the California State Standards for grades K-12:
For information on the Common Core State Standards click on the links below:
An Introduction to the Common Core State Standards
Watch the following three minute video describing the purpose of the Common Core State Standards.  The video was created by the Council of the Great City Schools.

Common Core State Standards in Rocklin

In the 2013-2014 school year, Rocklin Unified School District will continue to move toward implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) at all grade levels. These multi-state academic standards, adopted by the State of California, reflect the most significant change in public education in over two decades. It is an exciting shift. In addition to being aligned, across 45 states, the CCSS are focused on preparing students to have the skills and knowledge that will enable them to compete in a 21st century global marketplace.

The CCSS are for all students K-12 in Mathematics and English Language Arts, Literacy in History/Social Studies, and Science and Technical Subjects. College and Career Readiness (CCR) standards anchor the cross-disciplinary literacy expectations that must be met by students to be prepared to enter the college and workforce training programs. CCR standards identify the Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, and Language skills necessary for students to succeed. As outlined in the CCSS for ELA, students who are College and Career Ready can:

  • Demonstrate independence
  • Build strong content knowledge
  • Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
  • Comprehend as well as critique
  • Value evidence
  • Use technology and digital media strategically and capably
  • Come to understand other perspectives and cultures

The standards stem from a nationwide initiative to set a clear and consistent progression of learning across all states. These kindergarten through 12th grade standards provide a progression of knowledge and skills that prepare students to graduate from high school and be ready for college and careers. The standards are research-based and internationally benchmarked.

The Rocklin Unified School District is excited about these new standards which will provide rich learning opportunities for our students. Standards define the concepts and skills that every child will learn. Our teachers are being trained and prepared to teach students to meet these new expectations.

Parents may notice the effects of the Common Core State Standards. One example is that, over time, students will be able to read, comprehend and analyze more sophisticated text. A teacher may encourage your child to choose books that are written at a more challenging level. Also, you may notice more frequent writing assignments. Assignments are more likely to include writing within core subjects of science and history/social science. In mathematics, parents may see their students making drawings or models to illustrate or demonstrate their solutions to problems. While the learning of math facts (for instance, “times tables”) is still important, students will spend more time working through a solution to a “real-life” problem rather than repeatedly practicing the same type of problem. (A “real-life” problem might involve designing alternative shapes for a rabbit pen enclosure if given a limited amount of fencing.)

The way we taught students in the past does not sufficiently prepare them for the higher demands of college and careers today and in the future. Your school, and schools throughout the country, are working to improve teaching and learning to ensure that all children will graduate from high school with the skills they need to be successful.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to your child’s teacher. You are an important part of your child’s education. Ask to see a sample of your child’s work or bring a sample with you. Ask the teacher questions like:

  • Where is my child excelling? How can I support this success?
  • What do you think is giving my child the most trouble? How can I help my child improve in this area?
  • What can I do to help my child with upcoming work?
Grants and Fundraising

Grants and Fundraising

"See what great teachers need for their student's".  
You can raise money for our school at no cost to you. When you shop at participating eScrip business partners, a percentage of your purchase (up to 8%) is contributed to our school every time you use your credit, debit or club card.
To sign up for e-Scrip, go to or call 800-254-5404.
Our eScrip group ID# is 000000. Enter this number to ensure that we get proper credit.
Saving Items
Help our school with fundraising by contributing items you might otherwise throw away:Aluminum cans
  • Box Tops for Education (General Mills)
  • Campbell’s Labels for Education
Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Parent involvement is always welcome. Here are a few ways you can participate in your child’s school, but be creative in offering your time and talents to assist in the learning of our students.
  • Classroom volunteer 
  • Art Docent
  • Library volunteer – contact the librarian
  • PTC volunteer – contact the PTC President
  • Help with special classroom projects
  • Decorate for events
  • Help with reading, writing, math, science, computers, PE, fine arts, history projects
  • Organize a party
  • Help with the Dance Performance
  • Help on Clean-up Day
  • Do things outside school hours: make copies, shop for supplies, assemble party favors, make costumes
Who to Contact


Adopt-A-School is a community partnership that links business and community organizations with schools to share expertise and resources in an effort to support our youth and schools. It is a national and statewide program that has been adapted to meet the educational needs of local children.
Adopting a school is a way for you and your employees to give back to the community by sharing your time, energy, expertise and financial resources with our schools. Participating business people serve as positive role and career models for students.

  • Businesses contribute in a variety of ways:
  • Field trips to tour your business
  • Sponsorship of field trips to cultural and other events
  • Classroom or assembly speakers and presentations
  • Career exploration, activities, and presentations
  • Incentives, awards, or scholarships that recognize outstanding student achievement
  • Sponsorship of school contests: art, writing, photography, spelling, etc.
  • Student performances at adopter events
  • Donations of equipment, resources, or funds to help students and schools
  • Assistance for students with specialized technology and other needs

To adopt our school, please contact the principal, Mrs. Makis at: or 916-624-3311.